How Do I assemble Mechs?

In order to assemble mechs, you will need to visit a Mech Assembly Plant or have the Remote Mech Assembly captain upgrade from the CE store.  To find the Assembly Plants, search for ‘Mech Assembly Plant’ in the CE Finder.  At the time of writing this, they are available in Sphere, Verec-Per, Anvil and Furnace, but always check the CE Finder, as more may open on player settlements.

Mech Assembly Plant, Mech Assembly

Once you have located the Mech Assembly Plant, click on the View button.

Enter Mech Assembly Plant

Click on the Enter Mech Assembly Plant button to start building your Mech.


Select a Chassis from the list available.

A list of chassis currently available to you

The Mech Assembly view is filtered by your Captain Level and Commander Rank.  If a mech chassis does not appear in the list then you do not have the correct level requirements to use it (see the list below).

As you assemble your mech, adding modules to it will increase its overall Mass.  When it’s finally assembled it will have a maximum mass and HP.  The HP will limit which sectors the mech can enter.  See: How Do I Enter My Mech In Combat?

Mech Chassis

There are 9 chassis available.  Your Mech Commander Level determines which ones you can use.

Chassis Name Mass HP*1 Captain Lvl Commander Lvl*2
Hunter Mech Chassis 750 1,500 20 3
Light-Foot Mech Chassis Rev 1 600 1,100 15 2
Light-Foot Mech Chassis Rev 2 600 1,000 20 2
Predator Mech Chassis 650 1,350 15 1
Raptor Mech Chassis Rev 1 500 1,200 10 1
Raptor Mech Chassis Rev 2 600 1,275 10 1
Thumper Mech Chassis Rev1 800 1,700 25 4
Thumper Mech Chassis Rev2 900 1,800 25 5
Thumper Mech Chassis Rev3 1,000 1,900 30 6

*1 HP: Hit Points

*2 Comm Level: Mech commander level (acquired by gaining Mech Points)

NOTE: For more detailed information about each chassis, refer to CEDR (CE Data Repository – Guides pullout in-game).

Once you have chosen your chassis, click on the Assemble Mech button.


Now it’s time to add the 3 modules to your chassis.

3 Module boxes to click in to add AI Data Pod, Armour Pack and Weapon Pack

Keep an eye on how much Mass you have left as you can’t go over that.

Mech Assembly: Predator Mech Chassis Mech Mass 0 (650)


There are 4 AI data pods available.

AI Name Mass
Mech AI – Generation 1 – Basic 50
Mech AI – Generation 1 – Defensive 95
Mech AI – Generation 1 – Jump 100
Mech AI – Generation 1 – Seeker 75

Bear in mind which armor and weapon packs you will be installing due to your total mass limit from the chassis you have chosen.  This list is filtered by the mass you have remaining.

NOTE: For more detailed information about each AI, refer to CEDR (CE Data Repository – Guides pullout in-game)..

Click in the AI Data Pod box.

Mech AI: (Filtered by remaining mass available)

Decide which AI you would like to use and click on the Equip Item button.

Mech AI – Generation 1 – Seeker added to the assembly process

Click on the Return to Mech Assembly button.

Mech Assembly screen

I chose Mech AI – Generation 1 – Seeker which has a mass of 75.  If you look at the Mech Mass you can see that now the mech has 75 out of a total of 650 mass (limit for the Predator Mech Chassis), which means I have 575 mass available for the armour and weapon packs.


There are 8 armour packs available.

Armour Name HP*1 Mass
Mech Armour – Regenerative S1 165 225
Mech Armour – Regenerative S2 175 250
Mech Armour – Regenerative S3 195 300
Mech Armour – Regenerative S4 205 350
Mech Armour Ablative Rev 1 75 100
Mech Armour Ablative Rev 2 110 150
Mech Armour Ablative Rev 3 135 200
Mech Armour Ablative Rev 4 150 250

*1 HP: Hit Points

NOTE: For more detailed information about each armour pack, refer to CEDR (CE Data Repository – Guides pullout in-game).

Click in the Armour Pack box.  This list is filtered by the mass you have remaining.

List of available armour packs (Filtered by remaining mass available)

Decide which armour pack you would like to use and click on the Equip Item button.

WARNING: If you are new to mech combat you will only be able to enter mechs in Alpha Sector.  The sector entry rules for Alpha Sector restrict the total HPs to 1,500, therefore you need to add the HPs from your chassis to the HPs of the armour and make sure it does NOT go over 1,500.

Mech Armour - Regenerative S4 added to the assembly process

Click on the Return to Mech Assembly button.

Mech Assembly screen

I chose Mech Armour – Regenerative S4 which has a mass of 350.  If you look at the Mech Mass you can see that now the mech has 425 out of a total of 650 mass (limit for the Predator Mech Chassis), which means I have 225 mass available for the weapon pack.


There are 8 weapon packs available.

Weapon Name Mass
Mech Adv Electro Magnetic Pack 8 [EM] 200
Mech Adv Kinetic Pack 6 [KIN] 200
Mech Adv Missile Pack 5 [EX] 200
Mech Adv Thermal Pack 7 [TH] 200
Mech Starter Weapon Pack 1 [KIN] 180
Mech Starter Weapon Pack 2 [EM] 180
Mech Starter Weapon Pack 3 [TH] 180
Mech Starter Weapon Pack 4 [EX] 180
NOTE: For more detailed information about each weapon pack, refer to CEDR (CE Data Repository – Guides pullout in-game).

Click in the Weapon Pack box.  This list is filtered by the mass you have remaining.

List of available weapon packs (Filtered by remaining mass available

Decide which weapon pack you would like to use and click on the Equip Item button.

Mech Adv Thermal Pack 7 [TH] added to the assembly process

Click on the Return to Mech Assembly button.


Now you have something in each of the boxes, the mech build options are complete.  All that’s left to do is assemble it and give it a name.

Mech Assembly screen

Click on the Assemble Mech button at the bottom.

Mech Assembly Final Stage

Enter a name for your mech in the box at the bottom.  There is a limit of 15 characters (including spaces).  Mech names should only contain alpha numeric characters (that’s letters and numbers), and if you do not follow the rules you will not be able to enter your mech in the combat sectors.

PLEASE NOTE: All names are vetted at a later stage by a CE member of Staff.  Please do NOT use anything offensive!

Click on the Assemble Mech button.

Congratulation Captain, your mech 'Scrap Metal' has been fully assembled and is now ready for combat

Click on the Continue button.  You will return to the chassis selection list, where you can make another mech.  You can keep making mechs until you have reached your limit.  The limit increases with your Mech Commander level.  Your mech limit is the number in brackets.

Mech Chassis Selection, Mechs Owned: 7 (8)

Related Topics

What Are Mechs?

How Do I Enter My Mech In Combat?

How Do I Follow Mech Combat?