An overview – What is it?
Up till now in Core-Exiles, your choices for ‘unattended selling’ items was pretty much the Player Market. Over time this has become used less and less for a variety of reasons and never really worked that well in the first place for what players wanted.

The Galactic Emporium is a place where you can open a Store all of your own. This store is a permanent testament to your sales ability and offers you the chance to place items on sale at a price you see fair. You can add stacks of items and your visitors can buy the stack or just one or as many as they like.

For those of you that craft this type of store is a great boon. Also, for those of you that have 100’s of items you wish you could put up on sale and not have to worry about them – this is for you.

At this point in time, the Galactic Emporium Stores can sell ‘Items’ but not resources. See ‘Add-ons’ for details near the end of this Primer.

Opening a Store
You will find that the ‘Galactic Emporium’ is a location on promenades. It is in a way like Malls and Gleso’s in that you need to open a Store within their office space. The similarities pretty much end there :)

First off a few things to remember :
You can open as many stores are you like, up to the limit of your ‘Emporium Licences’.
You may ONLY open ONE store per location.
Each store will cost you a one time opening fee charged by the local Galactic Emporium Office. This may vary but starts at around 150K. (Credits). You will also require an ‘Emporium Licence’.

Emporium Licences
The rules for these are simple. You need ONE for every store you open. They are non-refundable and consumed on use. You can get them from the Festive Store or from the Core-Exiles Store.

We have kept their costs low (in relative terms) and offered the Festive option (again fairly low in value) to keep them as fair as possible. You can see how many you might have left on your account at any time by reviewing your Upgrades tab on the Player Bio Page.

Baby Steps
Once you have opened an Emporium Store, take five minutes to take a poke around. You have the main Home page for your store, the links across the top to add items to your store and the shopfront. You will also see an option to name your store and access to the store logs.

Naming Your Store
Let’s be honest It really doesn’t matter what I say here, I urge caution and forethought to how your going to run your store empire, but in the end we will end up with names that suit you the player. There are some rules, 25 characters including spaces, nothing inflammatory or not suitable for a family audience.

You will need to name your store BEFORE you can place anything into the Store front for sale. Once chosen you’re STUCK with the name till we decide to come up with a renaming licence or such like tool, so again choose wisely!

Store Log
This tracks items added, the store sales and also opening and closing of your store.

Open / close the Store
These Options were added so that whilst you’re doing stock control in your store, players don’t just wander in and start buying. So for your own good, we suggest ‘closing the store’ when you’re about to edit the stock. By DEFAULT, the store is CLOSED when first established. You can open it when you are ready.

Adding Stock
The whole Galactic Emporium system works off the Secure Storage network. This means from your Store home page you can review the entire Secure Storage network and pull any items from anywhere for sale at your store.

When adding items to the store front you can sell as many in a stack as you like. The price you set is the Price Per Unit. So if you have 10 Pulse Lasers and want to sell all ten for 10K each you’d enter 10000 in the box. Along with 10 for the value to sell.

Let’s say you have 10,000 EBK’s to sell and only want to sell 5K of them, then you would add 5000 to the amount box and the CPU into the credit cost box. It’s very simple to pick up and understand. Follow the on-screen prompts and you’ll be on your way.

Emporium Store Limits
The emporium Store by default comes with 25 Rows for you to fill. That’s a 25 unit limit. That could be 25 rows each with 50,000 items in, but each row regardless of the amount is 1 off your 25.

Ready to Sell
Once you have added the items to your store, you can review them using the store front link. This will allow you to not only review what’s on sale but also should you wish to withdraw stacks from your store.

If you withdraw items from your store they are placed back into the LOCAL Secure Store. If such items already exist they are placed on to those stacks, if not new ones are created.

OK use the OPEN STORE link and you’re ready for your first customers!

Purchase Notification
When a player makes a successful purchase from your store, it’s noted in your store’s log, and you are sent a PM with the details and funds attached. The items are transferred to the player’s SECURE STORE at that location, and they are sent a PM showing the sale details and reminding them where the items are stored.

At this point in time, the Galactic Emporium is in its infancy. You can purchase licences for more / new stores with Festive points, but anything past that falls into the ‘CE Supporter’ area. Of late a lot of ideas have been bandied around for CE support and we thought this a prime way of helping the CE global economy and also boosting long term the CE Store income.

Shortly we will be adding a few new items to the CE Store. These include the following :

Emporium License (should you not wish to spend Festive Points)

Emporium Stock Limit increase – These allow you to globally increase your Stores limits. Each one purchased adds 25 extra limits to each and every store you own or will own.

Store Rename – This enables you to rename your store should you realise that the name you choose wasn’t the wisest name in history, or simply come up with a better one. This can be purchased from the CE Official Store.