Jump Drive Navigation

Accessing the Jump Drive Navigation system is done from the Main Jump Gate page. Once parked in the Jump Gate Network this Icon becomes available in the Top right Hand corner. Clicking this Icon will take you directly to the Jump Drive Navigation system. J.D.N: This stands for Jump Drive Navigator. To access this screen […]

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Javoran Exploration

Javoran Exploration: Exploring planets in Javoran Space is a dangerous pass time. It requires landing on a Javoran home world and using Combat Exploration Mechs to ‘Explore, Survey and combat the population’. The Coalition has committed itself to the War on the Javorans and in agreement with the Naristro will support the ‘activity’ of Combat Exploration […]

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Galaxy Locator

The Purpose?: The Core-Exiles Game is currently spread over several Galaxies and 100’s of systems. Each system contains Planets, Starbases, Asteroids Fields, Orbiting Refineries, Settlements etc. Asking you to remember where everything was would be a ludicrous request so we have added the Galactic Locator to assist you in locating the places you are looking for. […]

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Galactic Buyers Market (GBM)

What is the GBM?: It stands for Galactic Buyers Market. The principle is very simple. If you have a need for some Resources or commodities you can place a “contract” on the GBM for players to fill. Contracts can be filled by ANY player. They can add as many or as little towards the end contract […]

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Galactic Federation Office

Throughout Gal-Fed Territory, you will find these Combat Offices open for Gal-Fed combat rated pilots. Please note, you will be refused entry should the Gal-Fed authorities find you have a criminal record or have committed atrocities that would place you in the good books with either Con-fed or the Outlaw fraternity. Missions are based on […]

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