Salvage Loot (Standard Ships)

MILD SPOILER WARNING: Some players prefer to discover salvage materials on their own. This is not a Salvaging tutorial.

These are the resources that can be obtained when salvaging wrecks of Human or AI ships. Alien ships use their own salvage table.

This is not a discussion of ship salvaging, but a list of resources that can be gathered from the twelve sections. The player starts with each section at Level 0. The player gets one point towards a ship section for each unit of resource gathered. (This means that skipping low value resources like Ore does not grant points to that area.) As the player raises levels in each area by accumulating points, more valuable resources can be harvested.

In any case, the pool of potentially harvested resources is the resources from Level 0 to the current level of that area. This means that if the Captain is at Level 5 in Crew Quarters, they can salvage any resources listed from Level 0 to Level 5, inclusive, at random.

The twelve ship sections and resources gathered by level are listed below. Points gathered in one section only affect that section, so a Captain can be Level 7 in Engine Systems and Level 2 in Life Support.

Salvage is the most consistent source of QMG resources until the player gets a Genesis land plot. At this time, a Genesis plot cannot create QMG Biologicals, which can be salvaged from the Life Support and Cargo Hold sections.

For AI ships, please note that AI salvage has changed. While AI ships use the data below, they also provide AI resources. Data is currently being compiled and will be added as available.



  • Level 0 : Bio Foods, Inert Gas, Iron Ore, Ore, Oxygen, Water
  • Level 1 : Copper Ore, QMG Electronics, Ration Packs, Wood
  • Level 2 : Food Goods, Private Goods, QMG Technology, Reactive Gas
  • Level 3 : Alcoholic Beverages, Fresh Foods, Refined Chemicals, QMG Components
  • Level 4 : Anvil Valacyte, Steel, QMG Engineering
  • Level 5 : QMG Mechanical, Refined Metal, Technesium, Wines
  • Level 6 : Breakfast Goods, Ready Meals
  • Level 7 : Liquid Sologen, Synthetic Silk
  • Level 8 : Galactic News, Plasteel
  • Level 9 : ???


Weapons Systems

  • Level 0 : Alucite Ore, Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Ore, Oxygen, Turbocite
  • Level 1 : QMG Electronics, Reactive Gas, Refined Chemicals, Xerinium Ore
  • Level 2 : Autium, Isotopes, Radioactive Stocks, QMG Technology
  • Level 3 : Dyzalithium Fuel, Randium Gas, Refined Metal
  • Level 4 : Biogenic Ore, Boron, Gravimite, QMG Components, QMG Industrial, QMG Electronics
  • Level 5 : Argonight Ore, Treated Ore
  • Level 6 : Munitions, Plasteel
  • Level 7 : Civilian Grade Ammunition, High-density Hadrium
  • Level 8 : Berilliniumnite Ore, Construction Components
  • Level 9 : ???


Life Support

  • Level 0 : Cereal, Corn, Oats, QMG Chemicals T1, Rice, Water, Wheat
  • Level 1 : Bio Enzymes, Bio Foods, Oxygen, QMG Chemicals T2
  • Level 2 : Inert Gas, Isomorphic Retrosium, QMG Gas T1, Traylon Gas
  • Level 3 : Food Goods, QMG Gas T2, Ration Packs, Reactive Gas
  • Level 4 : Fresh Foods, Refined Chemicals, QMG Biologicals
  • Level 5 : Agro Grow, Ready Meals, QMG Electronics
  • Level 6 : Bio-Gen Trees, Breakfast Goods
  • Level 7 : Tinned Goods
  • Level 8 : Hyper O2
  • Level 9 : ???


Crew Quarters

  • Level 0 : Alcoholic Beverages, Food Goods, Oxygen, Private Goods, QMG Technology, Ration Packs, Water
  • Level 1 : Element 251, Fresh Foods, QMG Components, QMG Mechanical, Ready Meals
  • Level 2 : Breakfast Goods, Secure Mail, Synthetic Silk
  • Level 3 : Childrens Toys, Galactic News, Wines
  • Level 4 : Mesonite, Textile Goods
  • Level 5 : Festive Goods, Frozen Meats
  • Level 6 : Animal Pelts
  • Level 7 : Commercial Brews
  • Level 8 : Universal AC
  • Level 9 : ???


Pod Cluster

  • Level 0 : Alucite Ore, Copper Ore, Inert Gas, Iron Ore, QMG Technology, Traylon Gas, Turbocite
  • Level 1 : Isotopes, QMG Construction, Reactive Gas, Xerinium Ore
  • Level 2 : Anvil Valacyte, QMG Fabrication, Radioactive Stocks, Steel
  • Level 3 : Autium, Lithosite, QMG Industrial
  • Level 4 : Refined Metal, Tellerite Ore, QMG Components
  • Level 5 : Quasar Ore, Radioactive Bariium, QMG Engineering
  • Level 6 : Treated Ore
  • Level 7 : QMG Mechanical
  • Level 8 : Gaseous Magnomite, Iridium, Mesonite
  • Level 9 : ???


Ships Stores

  • Level 0 : Food Goods, Fresh Foods, Oxygen, Private Goods, Refined Chemicals, Water
  • Level 1 : Dyzalithiaum Fuel, Pachysite, Radioactive Stocks, QMG Alloy T1
  • Level 2 : Agro Grow, Randium Gas, Refined Metal, QMG Alloy T2
  • Level 3 : Ready Meals, Sinistronite, Terracyte Ore, QMG Chem T1
  • Level 4 : Boron, Breakfast Goods, QMG Chem T2
  • Level 5 : Baryil, QMG Gas T1
  • Level 6 : Jasper Ore, QMG Gas T2
  • Level 7 : Liquid Sologen
  • Level 8 : Plasteel
  • Level 9 : ???


Sensor Array

  • Level 0 : Bio enzymes, Copper Ore, Inert Gas, Iron Ore, QMG Electronics, Traylon Gas
  • Level 1 : Alucite Ore, QMG Construction, Reactive Gas, Xerinium Ore
  • Level 2 : Isotopes, Steel, QMG Engineering
  • Level 3 : Element 251, Pachysite
  • Level 4 : Biogenic ore, Technesium, QMG Mechanical
  • Level 5 : Jasper Ore
  • Level 6 : Iridium
  • Level 7 : High-density Ultrine
  • Level 8 : Plasteel
  • Level 9 : ???


Ship Frame

  • Level 0 : Inert Gas, Iron Ore, Ore, Oxygen, QMG Alloy T1, Water
  • Level 1 : Alucite Ore, Copper Ore, QMG Alloy T2, Traylon Gas
  • Level 2 : Radioactive Stocks, Reactive Gas, Steel, Xerinium Ore, QMG Chemicals T1
  • Level 3 : Anvil Valacyte, Element 251, Randium Gas
  • Level 4 : Refined Metal, QMG Chemicals T2, QMG Gas T1
  • Level 5 : Biogenic Ore, QMG Gas T2
  • Level 6 : Tellerite Ore, QMG Components
  • Level 7 : Terracyte Ore
  • Level 8 : Boron
  • Level 9 : ???


Energy Systems

  • Level 0 : Copper Ore, Oxygen, QMG Alloy T1, QMG Construction, Reactive Gas, Turbocite
  • Level 1 : Isotopes, QMG Alloy T2, Radioactive Stocks, Refined Chemicals
  • Level 2 : Autium, Dyzalithiaum Fuel, QMG Chemicals T1, Refined Metal
  • Level 3 : Sinistronite, Technesium, QMG Chemicals T2
  • Level 4 : QMG Gas T1, Jasper Ore
  • Level 5 : High Density Ultrine, QMG Gas T2
  • Level 6 : Plasteel
  • Level 7 : Kallycite Ore
  • Level 8 : Bio Enzymes, Hyper O2
  • Level 9 : ???


Cargo Hold

  • Level 0 : Cereal, Oats, Ore, QMG Biologicals, Rice, Water
  • Level 1 : Corn, Oxygen, QMG Alloy T1, Wheat
  • Level 2 : Anvil Grain, Forge Grain, QMG Alloy T2, Wood
  • Level 3 : Food Goods, Private Goods, QMG Chemicals T1, Ration Packs
  • Level 4 : Fresh Foods, Isotopes, Refined Chemicals, QMG Chemicals T2
  • Level 5 : Radioactive Stocks, Refined Metal, QMG Gas T1
  • Level 6 : Agro Grow, QMG Gas T2
  • Level 7 : Ready Meals
  • Level 8 : Breakfast Goods
  • Level 9 : Secure Mail
  • Level 10: Plasteel


Drone Bay

  • Level 0 : Bio Enzymes, Hermiril, Isomorphic Retrosium, Oxygen, QMG Electronics, Xerinium Ore
  • Level 1 : Isotopes, QMG Construction, Radioactive Stocks, Steel
  • Level 2 : Anvil Valacyte, Element 251, Pachysite, QMG Fabrication
  • Level 3 : Lithosite, QMG Industrial
  • Level 4 : Biogenic Ore, Refined Metal
  • Level 5 : Gravimite
  • Level 6 : Viridine
  • Level 7 : Tellerite Ore
  • Level 8 : Terracyte Ore
  • Level 9 : ???


Engine Room

  • Level 0 : Autium, Isotopes, Ore, QMG Electronics, Radioactive Stocks, Refined Chemicals
  • Level 1 : Biogenic Ore, Dyzalithiaum Fuel, QMG Fabrication, Randium Gas
  • Level 2 : QMG Industrial, Sinistronite, Technesium
  • Level 3 : High-Density Hadrium, Liquid Sologen, QMG Components
  • Level 4 : Gaseous Magnomite, Isotopic Calconite, QMG Engineering
  • Level 5 : Strontium, QMG Mechanical
  • Level 6 : Orichalconite
  • Level 7 : Titanium
  • Level 8 : Unstable Infernanium
  • Level 9 : ???


AI Ship Salvage

AI ships use the standard ship table above, but also have AI resources added, which will be listed below. They are grouped by NB Ores, AI-UN Ores, and AI Salvage.

Author’s Note: The tables below are in development and will be completed with time and opportunity. As the author is already at salvage level 7 or 8 in all areas, the data is based on using the Salvage Discriminator S1 and S2 PODs. In the material below, “LL@4” indicates that these resources are found in the area when it is level locked at salvage level 4, which means all resources found at levels 0 through 4. “LL@6” are resources that appear when the salvage are is level locked at 6 which do not appear in the previous section, and so would be the level 5 and 6 resources. As of now, it seems the AI material appears up to salvage level six, making Salvage Discriminator PODs useful for those specifically wanting AI resources.

Cockpit LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Farsite – NB-X04, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: none

Cockpit LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02


Weapon Systems LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Farsite – NB-X04, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07, AI – Data Store X01, AI – Integration Chip, AI – Processor, AI – Mechanical

Weapon Systems LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A05
  • AI Salvage: AI – Remote Interface


Life Support LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: none
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07

Life Support LL@6

  • AI Salvage: AI – Power Source, AI – Remote Interface, AI – Unit Interface R11


Crew Quarters LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Primarr – NB-S07
  • AI-UN Ores: none
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07, AI – Data Store X01, AI – Integration Chip, AI – Mechanical, AI – Processor

Crew Quarters LL@6

  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A05
  • AI Salvage: AI – Power Source, AI – Remote Interface, AI – Unit Interface R11


POD Cluster LL@4

  • NB Ores: Farsite – NB-X04
  • AI_UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07, AI – Data Store X01, AI – Integration Chip, AI – Mechanical. AI – Processor

POD Cluster LL@4

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI_UN Ores: AI – UN A05


Ships Store LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Farsite – NB-X04, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI_UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02
  • AI Salvage: none

Ships Store LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI Salvage: AI – Power Source


Sensor Array LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Farsite – NB-X04, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: none
  • AI Salvage: none

Sensor Array LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI Salvage: AI – Power Source, AI – Remote Interface


Ship Frame LL@4

  • NB Ores: none
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07, AI – Data Store X01, AI – Integration Chip, AI – Mechanical, AI – Processor

Ship Frame LL@6

  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A05
  • AI Salvage: AI – Remote Interface, AI – Unit Interface R11


Energy Systems LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: none
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07, AI – Integration Chip, AI – Processor

Energy Systems LL@6

  • AI Salvage: AI – Power Source, AI – Remote Interface, AI – Unit Interface R11


Cargo Hold LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Farsite – NB-X04,  Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: AI – Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07, AI – Data Store X01, AI – Integration Chip. AI – Mechanical, AI – Processor

Cargo Hold LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A05
  • AI Salvage: AI – Power Source, AI – Remote Interface, AI – Unit Interface R11


Drone Bay LL@4

  • NB Ores: Farsite – NB-X04, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: AI – Data Store X01, AI – Mechanical

Drone Bay LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A05


Engine Room LL@4

  • NB Ores: Arancite – NB-X01, Cressinioum – NB-R02, Farsite – NB-X04, Jimarallium – NB-A07, Primarr – NB-S07, Tellsamat – NB-S04, Wisbarr – NB-L04, Zemar – NB-X11
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A01, AI – UN A02, AI – UN A03, AI – UN A04
  • AI Salvage: Analysis Unit, AI – Data Store R07,
    AI – Data Store X01, AI – Integration Chip, AI – Processor

Engine Room LL@6

  • NB Ores: Ribilite – NB-S02
  • AI-UN Ores: AI – UN A05
  • AI Salvage: AI – PowerSource, AI – Remote Interface, AI – Unit Interface R11