Salvage Loot for Alien Ships


Some players prefer to discover salvage materials on their own, and this discusses advanced alien resources. This is not a Salvaging tutorial.


This is the salvage table for Alien ships. These are ships defeated in combat in the Expanse.

This is not a discussion of ship salvaging, but a list of resources that can be gathered from the twelve sections. The player starts with each section at Level 0. The player gets one point towards a ship section for each unit of resource gathered. (This means that skipping low value resources like Ore does not grant points to that area.) As the player raises levels in each area by accumulating points, more valuable resources can be harvested.

In any case, the pool of potentially harvested resources is the resources from Level 0 to the current level of that area. This means that if the Captain is at Level 5 in Crew Quarters, they can salvage any resources listed from Level 0 to Level 5, inclusive, at random.

The twelve ship sections and resources gathered by level are listed below. Points gathered in one section only affect that section, so a Captain can be Level 7 in Engine Systems and Level 2 in Life Support.

Salvaging Alien combat wrecks requires an alien wreck salvage laser (plasma weapon) and an alien salvage scanner, which require their own skill points and certifications.



  • Level 0: Civilian Goods, Food System, Fresh Food, Module System, Organic Matter
  • Level 1: Medicines, Synthetics
  • Level 2: Emergency Rations, Incubator
  • Level 3: Building Block
  • Level 4: Plasglass
  • Level 5: Cryogenics
  • Level 6: ???
  • Level 7: ???
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???

Weapons Systems

  • Level 0: Building Block, Module System, Organic Matter, Plasglass, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Chemical Store, Manufacturing Block
  • Level 2: Data Scanner, Thermal Shielding
  • Level 3: Logic System
  • Level 4: Ship Parts
  • Level 5: Interface
  • Level 6: Detection Grid
  • Level 7: Detonator
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???

Life Support

  • Level 0: Food System, Fresh Food, Module System, Organic Matter, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Medicines, Incubator
  • Level 2: Cryogenics
  • Level 3: Chemical Store
  • Level 4: Commercial Goods, Thermal Shielding
  • Level 5: Logic System
  • Level 6: Purification Systems
  • Level 7: Atmosphere Unit
  • Level 8: Medical Data
  • Level 9: ???


Crew Quarters

  • Level 0: Civilian Goods, Food System, Fresh Food, Module System, Organic Matter
  • Level 1: Emergency Rations, Synthetics
  • Level 2: Entertainment
  • Level 3: Civilian Technology
  • Level 4: Planet Data
  • Level 5: Pet
  • Level 6: Commercial Goods
  • Level 7: Common Tech
  • Level 8: Education System
  • Level 9: ???


Pod Cluster

  • Level 0: Building Block, Module System, Organic Matter, Plasglass, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Manufacturing Block, Thermal Shield
  • Level 2: Fabrication Goods, Storage Rack
  • Level 3: Repair Tool
  • Level 4: Industrial Goods
  • Level 5: Ship Parts
  • Level 6: ???
  • Level 7: ???
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???


Ships Stores

  • Level 0: Civilian Goods, Construction, Cryogenics Tank, Industrial Alloys, Industrial Tech, Module System, Xetol Skeleton
  • Level 1: Medicines, Synthetics
  • Level 2: Incubator
  • Level 3: Plasglass
  • Level 4: Building Block
  • Level 5: Chemical Store
  • Level 6: ???
  • Level 7: ???
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???


Sensor Array

  • Level 0: Cryogenics, Manufacturing Block, Module System, Organic Matter, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Thermal Shielding, Encryption Tech
  • Level 2: Data Scanner, Flight Logs
  • Level 3: Data Stream
  • Level 4: Logic System
  • Level 5: Interface
  • Level 6: Security System
  • Level 7: Detection Grid
  • Level 8: Long Range Scanner
  • Level 9: ???


Ship Frame

  • Level 0: Building Block, Manufacturing Block, Module System, Organic Matter, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Fabrication Goods, Repair Tool
  • Level 2: Industrial Goods, Ship Parts
  • Level 3: Power Conduits
  • Level 4: Engineering System
  • Level 5: Bio Tech
  • Level 6: Military Alloy
  • Level 7: ???
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???


Energy Systems

  • Level 0: Cryogenics, Module System, Organic Matter, Plasglass, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Chemical Store, Manufacturing Block
  • Level 2: Storage Rack, Thermal Shield
  • Level 3: Industrial Goods, Fabrication Goods
  • Level 4: Logic System
  • Level 5: Ship Parts, Interface
  • Level 6: AI, Purification System
  • Level 7: Atmospheric Unit, Control Systems
  • Level 8: Data Crystals, Power Conduits
  • Level 9: Power Sensor, Mass Storage
  • Level 10: ???


Cargo Hold

  • Level 0: Civilian Goods, Food System, Fresh Food, Module System, Organic Matter
  • Level 1: Medicines, Synthetics
  • Level 2: Emergency Rations
  • Level 3: Cryogenics
  • Level 4: Entertainment Toy
  • Level 5: Planet Data, Chemical Store, Civilian Technology
  • Level 6: Storage Racks, Pet
  • Level 7: ???
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???


Drone Bay

  • Level 0: Building Block, Cryogenics, Module System, Organic Matter, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Manufacturing Block, Thermal Shielding
  • Level 2: Planet Data
  • Level 3: Commercial Goods
  • Level 4: Data Scanner
  • Level 5: Encryption Tech
  • Level 6: Detection Grid
  • Level 7: ???
  • Level 8: ???
  • Level 9: ???


Engine Room

  • Level 0: Building Block, Module System, Organic Matter, Plasglass, Synthetics
  • Level 1: Manufacturing Block, Thermal Shielding
  • Level 2: Fabrication Goods, Storage Rack
  • Level 3: Industrial Goods, Repair Tool
  • Level 4: Directional Boosters, Interface
  • Level 5: Control Systems, Power Conduits
  • Level 6: Engineering Systems, Mass Storage
  • Level 7: Bio Tech, Military Alloy
  • Level 8: Chemical Station
  • Level 9: ???
  • Level 10: ???
  • Level 11: Prisms