Enter a store that sells items. Press the ‘View Item’ button.

From this screen, you can view all the pertinent data about the item. Skill requirement, Energy, Player Level etc are normally all shown here (if they are required).

It’s up to you to ensure you meet the criteria. Once purchased, they won’t buy the item back, and you’ll be stuck with it.

Purchase: Many of these stores will have the option to purchase 1 or more of an item. This is generally the standard approach for stores and saves the poor staff having to deal with tedious customers purchasing 10 items in singles.

The Store won’t let you buy more than you can afford, so don’t worry.

Where’d it go?: OK, you bought an item from a store, where did it go.

If you purchased from a normal store, then the item will have been transferred directly to your Ship’s Store. Try looking for it in the relevant Tab.

If you purchased an item from the Player Emporium or from a Resource / Commodity based store, then the items will be sat in the local Collection Point awaiting you to go pick them up.