How to collect an item

How to collect an item During your time playing Core-Exiles you will have to collect items. These may have been sent to you by another player, or you may have purchased them or even have had them ‘returned’ to you by some automated in game process. In all these cases you will find them at […]

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How to locate a system

How to locate a system Sometime you need out figure out WHERE a place is in the Universe. Core-Exiles has Six Galaxies and over 1,300 locations. So we will assume you know the ‘Name’ of the location your looking for. With this in mind lets go find the ‘ Galaxy Locator’. This is inside the […]

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Trade to Another Player

How to trade to another player Trading to another player is accomplished in 2 ways. The first is to enter the cargo store of your ship, this can be accessed by clicking on the 3 colored, stacked boxes on the bottom bar.This will take you to your ships stores and from there you can find […]

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How to Mine Ore

After ensuring you have a mining laser equipped, locate a system with an asteroid field and click on the asteroid field icon. You will receive a message informing you that you are unable to dock at the asteroid. Don’t panic, this is normal. Now you will see 2 new icons on the top bar. The […]

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NPC Mission Details

How to find NPC mission details Open the tab called View Tasks on the top right hand side of the screen. There are a number of options here including active trade and combat missions passenger details, FOM (Federation of Miners), standings, and awards. You can also review your Faction standings and activate any XP boosters […]

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