Derelict Hacking

Derelict Hacking This is basic information that only covers hacking in Size Class A derelicts. In any given room of a derelict, click the computer access icon in the lower icon row (#VI text tag “Use Controls”). You maybe given access to a computer hack panel, or one my not be available. This can only […]

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Derelict Combat

Weapon Use / Combat This is basic information that applies to combat in Size Class A derelicts. It is important to know at the start that combat will require a weapon and an ammo pack. A stockpile of medical packs is recommended, as damage does not heal over time without the CES store purchase “+10 […]

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Refinery Types

This is a quick list of refinery types. Minor spoiler, this list contains stats of higher level equipment. – Settlement Refineries – RARE ORE REFINERIES If a settlement has a “Rare Ore Refinery”, a subsidiary of Grivoc Industries, you can place a rare ore refinery. Input material is taken from the settlement’s Commercial Storage, and […]

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Crystal Exchange Program

Using Crystals to boost equipment is done in two stages. The Crystal Exchange Program office is Crystal intake, and the Research Academy is for application of the points to equipment. Crystal Exchange Program The Crystal Exchange Program collects crystals in exchange for Research Points, used by the Research Academy. When entering the Crystal Exchange Program, […]

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