Deploy Mining Drone

This is the Deploy Drone option and ONLY appears when you are in orbit of an Asteroid Field. From here you can Deploy Mining Drones you may have in your ships stores. Drones: The list displayed at this stage will depend on your Captain Level and the drones you have in your Ships Stores. There […]

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Engineering Blueprints

This is the help page for Engineering Blueprints What are Engineering Blueprints? Engineering blueprints are schematics that are required to make Pods for your ships and personal load-out items for exploration. What are pods ? Pods are items that are added to your ships Pod Slot/s (found by clicking on the orange handled spanner at […]

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Ship Specials

So what’s a Special Slot do? Simply put, each ship has a given number of Special Slots. It may be that your ship has 4 active slots or 6 or 8 or even 10 of these Special slots. You can fit ‘Specials’ in these slots, and the only limitation normally is Player Level. Items for […]

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Engines Explained

Core-Exiles is a Free to Play Game and as such we need to fund the game in some method. This is done through the sale of items in our Core-Exiles Store. Propulsion Slot: This is a unique slot. Due to the way Core-Exiles is funded, Engines can only be purchased through the Core-Exiles store. Once […]

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The Ship Loadout (Fitting)

Your Ship’s Loadout is broken down into Six main Areas. Each of these areas can be fitted with a wide range of items depending on your Skills and Captain’s player level. Items to be fitted to your ship in what we call “Slots” must reside in your Ship’s Stores at the time of fitting. Weapons […]

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