The Ships Store

The Ship’s Store can be broken down into Two Primary Areas. First is the Storage for all those items you want to fit to your ship and use throughout your Captain’s Career. Items Like Weapons, Missiles, Cargo Expanders, Shields and the myriad of items that make up the Core-Exiles Experience. The Second is your Cargo […]

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The Skills Screen

The skills screen is the place where you use Improvement Points (IP) to acquire skills in order to qualify for equipment requirements, or to improve your chosen career, such as refining ore. The ‘IP Cost’ column indicates how many Improvement Points you must have in order to acquire 1 skill point in that skill, if […]

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Gleso Industries (Factories)

The use of Factories should not be overlooked, even by the newcomer to Core-Exiles. Factories take and convert resources (the type you harvest using extractors) and turn them in to Commodities. Commodities have a higher value and can be sold in Malls, on the PM to players or simply used for essential Crafting. There are […]

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View / Buy an Item

Enter a store that sells items. Press the ‘View Item’ button. From this screen, you can view all the pertinent data about the item. Skill requirement, Energy, Player Level etc are normally all shown here (if they are required). It’s up to you to ensure you meet the criteria. Once purchased, they won’t buy the […]

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Stores (Various)

This help page covers a plethora of stores and is general information based on the majority. It is not included as a guide to each Individual store. But this guide covers the basics. Store Types: There are over 100 various types of stores. Generally, these are broken down into various categories. For instance, Weapons, Shields, […]

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