Extract Resources (Planet ORSA)

OK, so you are looking to collect Resources from a Planet. This requires a few things and a basic understanding of how and where. First lets look at what you are looking for ? You can only collect resources through O.R.S.A. locations on PLANETS. That’s the first thing. Docking at a planet you may find a […]

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In Game Mail Explained

In Game Mail Explained First off lets look at the footer bar. The blue bar at the bottom of most screens. The very first Icon on the footer is an evelope icon. This is where players, dev’s and the game systems communications are stored. You can read them, reply to them and send new ones […]

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How to Participate in Combat

How to Participate in Combat It’s always a good idea before you begin combat to ensure that your Hull, Armour and Shield (if applicable) are adequate or your combat sortie might be very short. Ensure you have a weapon or missile launcher equipped and that you also have a scanner equipped. Failure to equip a […]

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How to repair your ship

How to repair your ship During your time here at Core Exiles, you will often end up with a banged up ship. Be it from an event or from combat. Whilst most of the time it’s relatively safe to fly around with damage on your ship, you will find that certain organizations won’t deal with […]

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How to collect an item

How to collect an item During your time playing Core-Exiles you will have to collect items. These may have been sent to you by another player, or you may have purchased them or even have had them ‘returned’ to you by some automated in game process. In all these cases you will find them at […]

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